GYM Workouts For Woman!

GYM Workouts For Woman!

Health There is two types of physical health and mental health.

Try to eat for hours day and night. Keep fasting from time to time. Get up in the morning and drink water within half an hour. Then take the detox. 

What is detox?

Detox is a drink that removes contaminated food from your body through sweat or excretion, which creates toxins in your body and mind. 

Morning Routine 

Heat water with cumin and ginger. Drink this hot water mixed with a whole lemon. Detox is also with cold water. In cold water, you can mix lemon and mint leaves, ginger, and cumin and drink it all day long. However, drinking this detox water more than once a day can have side effects. So take detox in the morning, noon and night before eating heavy meals.


 7/8 in the morning oats / bread (1 piece) / eggs, banana
At 11 o'clock an apple / orange any sour fruit
1/2 pm salad with chicken / vegetables + fish / soup
4/5 pm Fruit / Green Tea.

8pm vegetables / soup / milk + dates + honey + nuts (two tablespoons ghee / butter for a good night's sleep)
If you feel hungry at 10 o'clock, green tea.
Sleep by 10 p.m.

(Use olive oil, coconut oil or mustard oil instead of edible oil and soybean oil.)
(Excludes all fast food, processed foods, cold dinosaurs, chips, ice cream, all heavy meals, polau, biryani.)
Calculate those who are overweight and bring them to 1500 calories. Eat like this for three months.
Take the normal calorie 18000/2000.
Walk 45 minutes in the morning and exercise for 15 minutes.
Walk 15 minutes in the afternoon or at night before going to bed and exercise for 45 minutes
Exercise can be cycling, swimming, any exercise, yoga exercise or freehand exercise size.

GYM Workouts For Woman!

Weighing machine.

The importance of a weighing machine is immense to every health-conscious person. This machine will work as your daily helping hand to make yourself slim fit and attractive. If you do not monitor your weight while you are dieting to control diabetes, you will not be able to understand how much weight you have lost in your diet. It is very important to measure your weight on an empty stomach every morning. So there must be a weighing machine in the house.

How to Use the Assisted Pull-Up Machine specially for chest, tricep and back

Maintenance Post: Lunch and Dinner

 Today's menu includes sweet pumpkin vegetables, mixed vegetables with rui fish, home-raised turkey chicken with two peaches, two eggs, lentils, a small bowl of rice, and a salad.

Not without saying something. Even last year I used to need 5/6 liters of soybean oil per month for cooking. And now I get 500 liters / 600 grams of oil per month.

I didn't know once that girls also exercise. And now I can't live without exercise. Not only me but my little boys also exercise when they see me and with great pleasure. Seeing that fills the mind with joy. I don't want that trouble I've got. I have been sick day and night so that my life does not happen to my sons. That's the way it is. Because today's children are the future.

So let's say we love ourselves and take some time out for ourselves from our busy lives. Stay healthy ourselves and inspire others to stay healthy.

Today's activity: 45 minutes walk in the morning. I am doing different exercises for 50 minutes. Such as warm-up, good morning, yoga, abdominal exercises. 
Cable Oblique Twists Tutorial for Abs Workout 

The benefits of jumping rope.

1. It is called good cardio and high-intensity interval training.

2. There is no pair of it to shed body fat. Skipping is able to burn more calories than running. One hour of skipping consumes 1300 calories.

3. It will help to tone the muscles.

4. This exercise will balance the limbs running together, along with the movement of other limbs of the body. So all the athletes practice skipping.

5. It is an important exercise in maintaining the balance of the body.

6. It will be a full-body workout. It is very effective in pulling Thai. Even the hand muscles.

6. Tighten the hip muscles.

6. Research has shown that skipping creates less pressure on the joints than running. So skipping is better known as running than running.

9. Since skipping results in heartbeat first. So you don't have to do cardiovascular exercises separately.

10. This exercise helps to increase bone density, thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

11. Laziness surrounds you thinking you have to run outside most of the time. However, if you have a rope at hand, you do not have to go out of the house. So bad weather is no longer an obstacle in your fitness routine. This is the cheapest way to exercise. If only there was a rope.

12. You do not have to be very good to do this exercise. Everyone from beginners to advanced can do it.

13. You can also keep the skipping rope in your handbag so you will never miss your exercise routine.

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