Bicep, Triceps, Shoulder, Delta Training Mistakes | Common Gym Arms Workout Mistakes

Common Gym Arms Workout Mistakes

Shoulder Training Mistakes 

There are many mistakes when it comes to shoulder training, but in this video I will cover the 5 most common ones and also show you how to correct them so you can start seeing better progress in your shoulder training.

The first is to stop extending the elbows while pressing on the shoulders. This puts too much unnecessary pressure on your shoulder joint because your shoulder socket is slightly forward. Once you start angling your elbows forward, you'll notice that your shoulder pain will subside and you'll start hitting your delts more effectively.

Shoulder workout mistakes

The second is to stop resting at the top of the shoulder press. Often times when people do the shoulder press they press the weight all the way back up and lock out the elbows and cheat a half second rest without realizing it. While you want to almost straighten your elbows, you want to focus on maximally contracting your deltoids rather than locking your elbows out, and once you achieve that maximal contraction, go straight back to the next rep.

The third is to stop hunching your shoulders when doing lateral raises. Too often people go too heavy on the lateral raise, causing them to start building momentum and engaging their traps at the top of the exercise. To correct this, you need to drop the weight first... and then you really want to focus on extending your arms outward, rather than lifting and then also stopping parallel to your shoulders.


Picture: Top Motivator during workout 

The fourth is to stop resting at the bottom when doing lateral raises. Another problem I see all the time is people lowering the weight too much when lifting their delts. In this case, they lose tension in the muscle and allow themselves to build momentum at the bottom and begin to sacrifice time under tension. Instead, start with your arms extended at an angle where you feel the tension in the muscle and make THAT your starting position rather than bringing the weight down to your side.

Most Common Shoulder Training Mistakes (STOP DOING THESE!)

The fifth is to stop tilting your shoulders back during rear delt flights. The rear delts are commonly underdeveloped due to the amount of trap/romb engagement people get during rear delt exercises because they are not performing the exercise correctly. What you want to do is lengthen the scapula AKA roll your shoulders forward (and keep them rolled forward the whole time) and focus on pushing outwards rather than backwards and last but not least stop just before parallel with your body because THAT is where you would they should feel the maximum contraction.

Bicep Training Mistakes  


In the first exercise, I will show you a variation of the dumbbell curl, let's see what the variation is
hold the bar at shoulder width, and watch very carefully how we perform the assembly. We will play the file from here, now let's loosen the bar a little on the bottom side, one, in the second we reduce it even more, so basically after every count we lower the barbell from the first repetition, we have now completed two repetitions 3,4,5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Release.

In the 10th count, the bar must reach the lowest point. But the set is not yet complete, yes pick it up again now let's do the same exercise again, and one, squeeze the biceps on each count, 2, 3, slowly release the rod while going down, 4, have more control, 5 yes 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 This has become your 1 set, which means you need to do 20 reps in 1 set. I hope you understand the process. Let me explain it to you again, when you complete your 10 reps, the rod must reach the lowest point, but in each count the bar must go lower than the 1st repetition. in this way you have to do 3 sets, but you have to increase the weight in each set. 

2. the most interesting exercise we will do now is reverse incline bench barbell curl. To perform this exercise you will need a 70 degree incline bench, from here lay your legs down lift your chest and engage your core. Another important thing to see here is  how we will perform this exercise with only one barbell. 

Carefully review and learn the technique of holding a barbell. We will hold the dumbbell like this the barbell is placed on the palm and your fingers will be straight, your thumb will be closed and the  
barbell must always be straight when performing a set. 

So from there we will start doing the exercises, slowly release the barbell, stretch your biceps lift it all the way up full range of motion so that your biceps are squeezed, release it slowly like this, very good.
pick it up very well your elbows should not move the number of repetitions should be between 10-12,
if you can do the exercise easily then you can increase the weight in each set.

And the number of sets is 3. The third exercise we will do here is reverse incline bench cable twist,
watch the exercise carefully, the bench should be placed at an angle of 35 degrees, lie down
chest lifts and core tightens, and look carefully here that I use a crossover cable machine that I manually set it to the lowest point, hold the handle in this form and this way we will lift, we should not move our elbows too much, elbows should be relaxed and slowly release the handle until your biceps are fully stretched. 

Press and release is a very good exercise here you can precisely target a muscle group. Whenever you hold the handle and lift, exhale, the number of repetitions should be 10-12 and the number of sets is 3.
4. the exercise we will do is curling wall dumbbells, to do this we have to stand away from the wall,
upper back should touch the wall, understand this exercise, you must make sure that the elbow always touches the wall, she should move away from the wall.

Then we hold the dumbbells and start the exercise. now pick it up full range of motion, just press the biceps and I slowly release it but make sure the elbow is touching the wall. The second thing you need to keep in mind is when you let go of the barbell you must not rotate the barbell it should remain vertical. So that there is constant tension in your muscle. And in this exercise for muscle fatigue we  need to perform a higher range of repetitions, we perform 15 repetitions in each set, and the number of sets will be 3 5th exercise is incline with a barbell, a slight variation will be made here, we'll see lie down from here we will use both hands, and here's a little variation I'll show you, just lift it up like you would normally do a barbell curl, this way, but while you release the barbell when reaching the lowest point, you must turn your hands away, This is because you are stretching your biceps extra,  then from there you will rotate the dumbbells and lift like this Yes just remember to execute with variation release turn the barbell and again pick it up full range of motion, every time you lift a barbell, remember to exhale, Do this exercise slowly and smoothly so that you can target your biceps well.

In this exercise, we will keep the number of repetitions to 15 and the number in the set will be 3. The 6th exercise we will do is the bicep chin up and to do that we have to put our hand in the curl grip, just be careful whenever you lift you have to pull using biceps strength and your grip should be strong
then release but don't release all the way. 

Then continue the exercise focusing on the muscle tension you create in the biceps, whenever you rise, breathe out fully squeeze biceps, the number of repetitions should be 10-12 and the number of sets should be 2-3. After the exercise, we will discuss a few mistakes that you often do in biceps training that you should avoid. 

First, I often hear many people in the gym say this: that your wrist should tilt inward. What does keeping the wrist inside mean? 

So people don't understand that keeping the wrist in means this, so in this position your forearm muscle is activated and is pumped up, while the biceps cannot take the load, but that doesn't mean you're going to tilt your wrist like that, so you have to keep your wrist in a neutral position, not in or leaning out.
Now I'll show you how I'm supposed to have a barbell in my hand now so when i curl it up and lift it up
my wrist should always.

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