Top 5 WORST Ab Exercise Mistakes You MUST Avoid!! with YouTube Videos

Most common Ab Exercise mistakes-Workout Mistakes You MUST Avoid-YouTube

We're talking ab mistakes because there's a big one I want to cover first, and especially. Guys, you need to get your nutrition in check if you ever want to see your abs because your body fat levels always determine whether we see them or not.

However, these five exercise mistakes will determine how good your abs will be in the end.

So let's get straight to them. The number one big exercise mistake is cheating on your abs. what am I talking about you know because I know. I even made them myself. Have you ever tried pulling your neck while doing push-ups? 

If so, I'm telling you, all you're doing is making your eyes think of your shoulders they are actually above the ground. And they are not. We know that when we do push-ups here, we have to get rid of our shoulders and not trying to trick ourselves into thinking we are getting higher than we are pulling by the neck. 

When we do our lower abs exercises, have you ever tried to swing your legs and start counting down reps and thinking "Hey, I'm doing more reps"? 

It doesn't work that way guys. The only thing that ever matters is the meaningful reps you actually commit to delivering up there.

Sometimes we even try to work with our hands and push down, through the floor, we try to get our feet up. Again, what are we doing here? We're strengthening our damn arms, not our lower abs. Guys, start caring more about the quality of the reps and stop caring about the how many things you do and your abs will respond.

Abs workout mistake number two is improper breathing during abdominal reps. what am i talking about
I actually did a whole video mentioned above on this before about how it leads to bloated abs. In fact, you can start belly swimming by not breathing properly on each repetition. 

If you're exhaling, that's a good thing. But if you push your stomach out at the same time, it's bad.
So what you want to try and do is learn to exhale without exhaling or pushing ours on your belly.
So there is a big difference. 

Video Describes Top 5 WORST Ab Exercise Mistakes! and how to solve the problems during ab workout

You want to learn how to exhale as you tighten and how to shrink and tighten your waist. We can do this with every abdominal exercise. You may need to focus a lot more. You can see me crunching here.
I don't crunch, I don't blow, I don't exhale and squeeze at the same time. What I do instead is exhale, blow out, but pull at the same time in and was pulling on my stomach. This makes a big difference in how your abs will look over time add repetition, after repetition, after repetition. You learn how to contract the transversus abdominis, stabilize yourself, and then execute the movement.

I promise it will pay off when you add up all the reps you are you will do abs in your workout. Abs workout mistake number three is not incorporating enough abs exercises work. Why? Guys, they always say 'if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you'. We know that abs exercises are more challenging, but that's because there are more of them able to change you Start doing more of these exercises. 

Here's why: first, anyone who has ever had any kind of abdominal surgery I could tell you - and I'm one of them, with two hernia surgeries I can tell you this: hanging from a bar is pretty damn hard if your abs aren't ready for it. It takes a lot of stabilization just to hang there. And if you are a beginner, you might  want to start with this.

Hang on the bar for about a minute to start training your abs to contract and stabilize your body But of course, if you're up for a bit more of a challenge, you want to get started do more exercises from this position. Again, as I said in the last point here, you first stabilize the pelvis and then contract from there.
It's getting a lot harder, but at the same time we're perfectly positioned for a lot of lowers and ab targeted movements here as we progress from the bottom up.  All you have to do is tweak it a bit and change the direction – turn and turn knees - really start to incorporate not only the lower abs, but the obliques as well, Yes, these hang exercises are more challenging, but like I said, they start to pay off more dividends for you in the long run.

So start looking for ways to incorporate more of them into your training. To scroll. Our fourth mistake: we don't train our abs enough. Guys, I've been a bit of an advocate for frequent ab training and I'm  going to hammer it point home once more. I want to see you train your abs five times - better - six times and better, maybe seven times a week. Frequency is what your abs are built for. In fact, we often hear people say, “Well, I'll just get mine and ab training through my other, bigger lifts. We know I have to stabilize myself on the squat and I have to do that on the deadlift as well.''

Guys, that's the wrong way to think about it. You're thinking backwards. You should be thinking how much better my squat could be and how much could my deadlift be better if my abs were stronger?' 
We will get there by more frequent direct abdominal training.

I don't care if you want to run faster, jump further, jump higher or push something with more power.
Your abs will be the focal point for generating all that power, and you want to train them directly.

Start training them - not long - four, five, six, seven, eight minutes. That's all it takes, but be more consistent about it and start doing it every single time a day if you can and I promise you will see better results. And your fifth and final ab mistake is doing just that. Think only of your abs and don't take the opportunity to include them all other muscles of your core.

All these muscles work together if you let them and train them. I will give you a variety of exercise options for this. We will refer to it again at the end of the video mentioned above. But the bottom line, guys: you can do more by engaging more muscles you like work with the stomach. Another perfect example: stabilize from the bottom up. Have you ever tried engaging your adductors?

Yes, those inner thigh muscles. If not, try this. Lie on your back and squeeze your abs with a squeegee instead of regular exercise bring your thighs together as hard as you can and then perform the exercise.
You will find that you can contract your abs a hell of a lot harder just by doing this.

No one ever said building a bulletproof core or sculpting six pack abs would be easy. Yet fitness devotees of all experience levels often make it harder than it needs to be without realizing it. Because a strong core provides a solid foundation for virtually every other exercise and movement you do in everyday life, it's an important aspect of your overall fitness and one of the best things you can do to stay injury-free.
Some of the most common mistakes in core training go far beyond the actual exercises you do. A deeper understanding of what's going on nutritionally, genetically, and anatomically is therefore key to seeing where you're falling short on your journey to toned abs.
Here we walk you through some common core training mistakes and the mechanics behind building a solid core.

7 Mistakes You're Making in Your Ab Routine

1. You don't pay enough attention to nutrition

First and foremost, before I share a single concept when it comes to a solid abs routine, I would be remiss not to talk about nutrition. If you want a well-developed core, you must first pay attention to what goes into your mouth. A consistent diet with minimal processed foods, quality protein and micronutrients will get you closer to the core of your dreams than all the planks in the world.
Choose your nutrition - I can't stress this enough! If you don't even know where to start, do some research or hire a coach to guide you.

2. You're not really engaging your core

The types of exercises you do and how you do them have a huge impact on the effectiveness of your ab routine. Doing a lot of sit-ups will help you do sit-ups; this does not necessarily create a defined midline.
Incorporate exercises into your routine that not only engage the rectus abdominis, but also target the transversus abdominis, which is located in the deep abdomen and resembles a strap. It is sometimes referred to as a "weightlifting belt" built into the body. This muscle is your true core.
Exercises that engage the transverse abdominis, create spinal stabilization, are extremely functional, and carry over into the press, squat, and deadlift. These are the activities that we have to perform in our daily life.
Sure, it's not as sexy as your shallow abs, but developing this muscle will protect you from pain and prepare you for any activity you can imagine.

3. You don't change your exercises

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, right? The same principle applies to your ab routines.
The body is amazing at adapting, so if we don't constantly bombard it with new and different stimuli, it will adapt and eventually settle down. Alternate exercises, sets, and reps frequently to stay on track.

4. You only do basic isolation exercises to work your abs

Classic ab exercises aren't the only moves that work your core. Compound movements like squatting, deadlifting, benching and pressing all engage your core in an extremely functional way. However, using your core for all of these movements requires deliberate activation. Think about staying tight, rib cage down, and maintaining tension throughout your system to ensure you keep your core muscles "on" during these exercises.

These compound movements engage the erector spinae muscles. These muscles run along your spine and are responsible for keeping you upright, so to say they're important is an understatement. The transverse abdominis (the deep core or strap muscles discussed earlier) are also key in compound exercises. These are the primary core muscles activated when you push up during a squat or deadlift.
Compound movements don't activate your superficial rectus abdominis the way a targeted ab program does, according to research. Adding a spinal flexion movement like a sit-up or hanging knee raise would provide more development of your "six pack" than these compound exercises alone - if your goal is to get 6-pack abs.

5. You do abs every. Single. Day.

Perhaps worse than doing the same exercises every day is training your core to the max every day. Just as you wouldn't schedule two lower body days in a row, the same principle applies to your abs. Your muscles need rest to perform, grow and recover.
Working the same muscles every day is a surefire way to see little or no change in your physique. Taking a day off (preferably more) from training this muscle group can promote blood flow, reduce inflammation and increase muscle growth. Getting enough rest also prevents burnout and reduces the risk of injury.

6. You don't change the plane of motion of your exercises

The human body does not work in only one plane of motion. Therefore, training the abdominal muscles in multi-planar and transverse (rotational) planes will have better functional transfer and will hit more of your core muscles at once.
More on planes of motion: Change planes for better gains
For example: Only plank or sit-up training focuses mostly on the sagittal plane of motion. By adding exercises that challenge you on multiple levels at once, such as barbell choppers, hanging windshield wipers, and rotating forearm planks, you get a lot more in terms of gross muscle activation and better transfer to functional activities.

7. You don't take genetics into account

Realistically, having a defined midsection has a lot to do with genetics, so it's important to keep that in mind when it comes to your expectations. I would put the abs in the same category as your upper traps and calves, meaning they have a high genetic dependency. Some people just have great calves and have never, ever raised a single calf in their life.

The same goes for your abs. You could be doing everything right when it comes to your diet and exercise and still feel like you're falling behind. You see a two-pack, maybe even a four-pack, but never more than that, and your genetics may be the reason.

The rectus abdominis muscles are the most superficial layer of muscles that cover the midline. They play virtually no role in stabilizing the spine (ie: not very functional), but they regulate breathing, maintain posture, and help protect your internal organs. Think of these muscles as visible, not walking.
Rectus muscles have bands of connective tissue that give the appearance of a "bunch" (think: the appearance of six, eight, or even 10 bundles). You are born with a certain number and your genetics determine their size and length 100%. You cannot make more of these bands, so being strong or weak plays no part in increasing the symmetry of this connective tissue.
If you are not genetically blessed, it is even more important for you to focus on training them effectively to get closer to the results you want.

Mistakes you're making when training your abs

Here are the 14 most common mistakes people make…

1. What is your goal?

You don't have a specific measurable goal that has a clear time frame that is written down: we've all heard of SMART goals, haven't we. (Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound).

Simply sit down and write down your goal that is specific to you and how you will measure it, if it is realistic and what your current reality is and the obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goal, once you know we can give you time to focus on how to achieve your goal.

Ask yourself the following questions:

What exactly do I want to achieve?
What are my limitations?
What options and options do I have?
Why exactly do I want to achieve this goal?
What are the benefits/consequences of achieving/not achieving this goal?
How can you achieve something if you haven't said what you want to achieve?
 How can you get anywhere if you don't have a set goal?

2. You don't have a plan to get to your goal:

Maybe you have an end goal in mind - an outcome goal, but you've never come up with daily, weekly, monthly, and monthly process goals that are small steps each day to get you there.

Spend some time writing down four or five daily habits or tasks that will move you closer to your goal each day, each week, each month.

For example – exercise for 45 minutes, prepare four meals for tomorrow, drink 3 liters of water, sleep for 8 hours. It's so simple!

3. You don't implement the plan:

So perhaps you already have your goal and daily tasks or habits written down. Many people now fail when they don't do or plan what they need to do. They don't call the gym and book an appointment to join, or hire a trainer or plan ahead for food sales.

Once you know what you need to do, plan it in your diary and stick to it.

4. There is no one to hold you accountable:

History tells us what it takes to succeed. Look at the best and most successful athletes in the world Usain Bolt, Tiger Woods, they all have coaches to help them get to the top. Having someone to hold you accountable to will seriously increase your chances of success when it comes to losing weight and getting your abs.

A trainer or coach will keep you accountable and honest about your goals; whether it's counting each rep, overseeing your daily diet, or monitoring your sleep and stress levels.
5. You don't watch anything:
The devil is in the details, as they say! If you don't track and control your schedule, exercise, nutrition, calories, weight, body fat percentage, daily steps, among other things, how do you expect to succeed?

What is tracked is managed!

So watch everything carefully. Start building this data to get an accurate picture of whether you are actually making progress.

Even taking a photo each week will give you a visual account to track to make sure you're heading in the right direction toward your six-pack goal.

6. You are not in a caloric deficit:

When you connect with point number 5, you don't track anything, especially the amount of calories you eat daily and week after week. It is often said that to lose 1 pound of fat per week, you need to create a weekly deficit of 3,500 calories, which can be up to 500 calories per day.

Use apps like MyFitnessPal that can make it easy to track your calorie intake and daily diet.

7. You eat poorly selected foods:

As with the above point, quantity matters and quality matters. Start by cutting out the 'bad' things like sugar, alcohol, chocolate, fizzy drinks, bread etc. and replace them with protein, vegetables, healthy fats, low glycemic carbs and plenty of water. Remember that even though calories count, not all calories are created equal when it comes to the effect they have on your body.

8. You eat little protein:

Protein is known to increase satiety – keeping you fuller for longer. That's what we want when it comes to weight loss, to get you slim enough to see your six pack.

Protein also increases thermogenesis (which helps burn calories by producing heat), meaning that for about every 100 calories of protein consumed, about 20-30 calories are lost through heat and digestion.

Make sure you eat enough protein at every meal. It has been shown that eating a higher protein intake in the range of 1 to 1.4 g/lb (1.8-2.7 g/kg) in the diet can help build or maintain muscle mass.

9. You don't drink enough water:

The average adult's body is made up of roughly 50-65% water.

Water serves many purposes:

Water is the primary building block of cells.
It acts as an insulator, regulates internal body temperature. This is partly because water has a high specific heat, plus the body uses sweat and respiration to regulate temperature.
Water is needed to metabolize proteins and carbohydrates used as food. It is the primary component of saliva, used to digest carbohydrates and aid in swallowing food.
The mixture lubricates the joints.
Water insulates the brain, spinal cord, organs and fetus. It works as a shock absorber.
Water is used to flush waste and toxins from the body through urine.

10. You don't train consistently enough:

Not everyone wants to be a bodybuilder or has the time to train like a bodybuilder. However, if your goal is to get in shape for the summer, sitting on the couch just won't cut it, and even one or two workouts a week won't cut it.

And vice versa, you don't even have to exercise 7-10 times a week. Instead, most of our top performing clients train regularly 3-5 times a week.

Three weight training sessions and two cardio sessions each week are more than enough to get those abs.

11. You don't train hard enough:

This goes without saying, but to get results you have to train and push your body harder than you ever thought possible and that is a skill in itself. To change your body, you need to challenge your body with progressive overload.

Progressive overloading is a gradual increase in sets, repetitions, weight (intensity), volume, frequency, shortening of rest periods in order to force the body to adapt.

Hard training is not easy; it is extremely challenging but also very rewarding. If you're trying to push yourself to the limit, we recommend getting an extremely good training partner or hiring a U.P. coach to find out.

If you are wondering how hard you need to train, you can also come to one of our U.P. training camps that take your training to the next level.

2. You are not active enough:

Many people are simply not active enough to lose weight. We get our clients to increase their daily and weekly N.E.A.T. (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) this is the energy expended in everything we do except sleep, eat or exercise.

Best tips in Hindi BIGGEST ABS Workout MISTAKES You Do in GYM

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