How To Build Monster Traps

How To Build Monster Traps

We will cover traps muscle , i.e. trapezius. 
As much as there is a difference in hearing these two words, so are the muscles. 
many people think that the visible muscle is the only trap muscle. 
But trapezius muscle is a large muscle, which starts from your neck to your mid back And give your back a complete look t
hat's why In today's video we will do the 4 best exercises for trap muscle 
So that you will be able to train your trap muscles from every angle.


Like upper, middle, and lower and you will get a well-developed trapezius muscle. A quick tip before starting a workout for you all. 
While training Trapezius, 
after each, set you to have to perform load and carry for 20 to 30 seconds. 
For that, you have to take two heavy dumbbells Which we will carry on our side Tighten the core, chest lift and walk fast by taking small steps. 

4 Best Traps Exercises | Get Big Traps Fast | Yatinder Singh

he first exercise I would like to teach you is barbell shrugs. 
This is the main exercise to train trapezius muscles. 
But many people make mistakes, which we will see 
what small mistakes you should not make while doing barbell shrugs. 
First of all, many people take so much weight in this exercise 
that the range of motion that should be performed is not accomplish What they do, their movements are like this. 
Where as If you want to train the trapezius muscle fully 
then you have to have performed it in a full range of motion and have to lift shoulders And after reaching here, you also have to hold for 1 to 2 seconds So that your muscles train well. 
Second, whenever you lift the bar your elbow should be straight it cannot bend much. 
After that whenever you do barbell shrugs You should be a slight band forward from the pelvic bone. 
Why you should band forward? because if you want to train the muscles 
Then while performing barbell shrugs along with lifting you have to retract both the shoulder blades, So that you can also train your middle trapezius muscles 
So it's basically, lifts and squeeze, so this is a complete repetition. 

I'll demonstrate it to you on the bar So that it will be a little easier for you. 
And firstly we will see the bar, Basically what will be your grip. 
Your grip will be outside the shoulder, like this. If you want to measure, the distance between my hands is 21 inches. 
After that band from the pelvic blades lift the bar in a full range of motion 
and squeeze both shoulder blades And slowly release the bar, You just have to keep in mind that you can't release the bar jerkily, Ok lift, squeeze, breath out and release 
Lift then hold the bar as much as you can.  
You will decide the number of repetitions, I believe that you should do 10 to 15 repetitions But the weight is that much only in which you can perform in the right technique. You can do three to four numbers of sets, But the focus is that you perform the exercise in a right way. Our second exercise is cable y pulls 
It is a very good exercise, you should try it. 

For that you have to sit on the floor like this. On your knees, we will use the cross capable machine in this exercise. 
In which I have attached both the pulleys down with D handle 
Now you have to hold both the handles, All you have to keep in mind is that you have to hold it oppositely. 
Means like this, 
The right handle will be on the left and the left handle will be in the right. And lift the chest and sit straight in this manner. 
And from here you will pull the both handles upwards without banding elbows.  
and do this until y is formed in this way. And this will give you a squishy feeling in your trap muscle. 
And we will release both the handles back from here slowly. 
Whenever you pull the handle breath out, squeeze your trapezius muscle. The back will remain straight and release it slowly.  
If you do it with focus, then it is a very good exercise. 
Keep the weight moderate, try 15 to 20 number of repetitions. 

Because it is a isolation movement so, you will feel it well on your back trapezius. 
Basically in the middle and lower back 3rd exercise which I like to suggest to you in High incline trap Row.  
To perform it you have to place the bench in this way 
This angle will be around 60 to 65 degree. 
After that you will need two dumbbells 
You can take support from your legs. And just lie down straight, the chest will be lifted and the core will be tight. And do it the same way you performed the barbells shrugs over. But look at the way to hold the both dumbbells. You will not hold the dumbbells in this way, you will rotate it like this After that lift both the shoulders to the maximum as much as you can, squeeze your trapezius muscle. A
nd release it slowly, 
Feel as if you are trying to touch your ears with shoulder muscles. And do it very slowly Only then will you be able to target your trapezius muscle well. 

Breath out while lifting, squeeze and release.  
The advantage of doing this exercise is that. So basically you cannot cheat in this exercise Because your chest is supported. 
10 to 15 repetitions, weight again as much as you can control lift that much only 
You can include three to four number of sets in your workout. 
Before going to the next workout, the question of many people comes that 
what can we drink in the middle of the workout? 
So that we can keep the strength up 
In which you will get best combination of 3 essential amino acids 
That is leucine, isoleucine and valine, And you all must know that BCAA accelerates your muscle recovery. 

And you can take it pre workouts, intra workouts, or post workouts too. 
I like to drink it intra workout, and nowadays I am using Lemon flavor which tastes great. 
But apart from this, it also comes in other 7 delicious flavors like blueberry, lychee etc. 
And along with 100% vegan and keto friendly it is also dairy sugar, gluten and Soya free. 
And the best part is it does not have any banned substance in it 
So you can try it for your recovery and endurance 
link is mentioned in the description box, click and check out the product. 
Fourth and last exercise which you can do to train your trapezius muscle is Upright Row. 
Now a lot of people say no for Upright Row. 
Because it cause unnecessary strain in the shoulders. But based on my 20 years of experience exercises can be modified. 
Which I have done for all of you now.
We will do the upper right row on the cable that too with single arm. I have attached the pulley to the cross cable machine at the bottom. 
We will use D handle here, And as you can see, there's a stepper behind me. 
Because while working out, my upper back will be above the hips. 

I will show you, so you have to lay down straight in this way. 
Only your upper back will be on top of the stepper. 
From here you will pull the handle by keeping the core tight. 
Just keep in mind that you don't have to pull the handle too much. 
Basically the handle should be in front of the upper chest. 

And from there you'll release the handle slowly above the thighs. 
And again pull and here, you should give a slight squeeze to your trapezius muscles. 
Only then you will release the handle back, watch carefully. 
Pull, breathe out - squeeze and release. 
You have to do 15 to 20 repetitions of this exercise. Keep the weight moderate, because I do not want unnecessarily strain in your shoulder. 
After performing with one hand, you have to 
perform the same number of repetitions with the other hand also. Number of sets 3 to 4.

Trap Workout (SORE IN 6 MINUTES!) Thank you for reading this article. 

Describe the Exercise for Traps as above-mentioned video.

Because the traps insert here, on the lateral portion of the clavicle and the acromion. 
So when this part moves forward we're getting a greater stretch on the trap.
So if we can let that protraction occur, we're not talking about doing rolling of the shoulders. 
We're talking about just allowing them to protract. Then when I come back up I'm not just lifting, but I'm retracting at the same time. 
The key is, we're getting more of that eccentric overload and tension with every rep. 
up, and then eccentrically overload down.
That's going to help us to create that damage leading to soreness later on. 
Now, I mentioned if I had to stop at some point. 
Well, if I do then I come over here and grab a plate. 
For me, I'm using 25lbs. the 25lbs will do an overhead trap raise. So we'd basically hold the plate here, like this, and then basically hands down, thumbs pointing down.
I'm going to then go thumbs pointing up at the top, okay? 
Then down, under control here, and then up. What you want to do is squeeze your traps to do the raise. 
So I'm squeezing my mid-back to raise the plate u p, and then come down. 
This is actually working the lower traps.
The upper traps are being worked this way. 
Up on the shrug, the lower traps are being worked here to stabilize the scapula as we lift up overhead. 
You do 10 reps of the overhead raise, go back in here and resume wherever you left off. 
So if I did 10 and I held for 10 in a contracted position, nine, held for nine, eight, held for eight, couldn't get to seven; I go over here, knock out 10, come back in here, seven reps, hold for seven.
Now, I'm going to play it all out for you as I did it, which is a lot of where it left 
me – out of breath, as you can see – and I'll show you exactly how we execute it and how it looks in real time. 
There is your Sore in Six Minutes trap workout – trap sequence, really – and people are 
already asking "Where do I fit these in?"
I'd like to think of them as plateau busters. 
If you're someone that can't get a muscle to respond and you don’t feel that you're 
getting any response from that muscle because you never get sore in it; these are guaranteed 
to induce that soreness.
Is this the only way you could do soreness and induce soreness? 
No. Does soreness equate, all the time, to new growth?
No, but because we're overloading, and because we're putting the science back in what we 
do when we do this exercise, and we get that eccentric stretch, we are adding the elements to grow.
At the same time, when these are intense you don’t want to start mixing multiple Sore 
in Six Minutes together. You're going to be biting off more than you can chew, okay?
So make sure, again, you're using this spark and get yourself out of that rut, instead 
of using them as your workout all the time.


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