Best Biceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle

Best Biceps Workout Exercises for Building Muscle

Picture: Bicep Rope Extention

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What bicep exercise is most effective?

Picture: Hammer curl Bicep Workout

What are the best bicep exercises?

Here are five of the best bicep exercises to target and tone your biceps. The first three exercises are dumbbell bicep exercises, the fourth is a barbell bicep exercise, and the fifth is a bicep exercise using drawstrings.

Integrate three or four of these into your daily activities -- which should already involve upper body work -- including pull-ups, rows and pull-ups. Do three to five sets of 6 to 12 repetitions, resting 30 to 90 seconds between sets. Use a weight that allows you to squeeze through your final rep with proper form.

Once you can do two additional repetitions on the last two sets, increase the weight. After performing these bicep curl variations for 6 to 12 weeks, rotate in 3 to 4 new movements. After finishing the list, start the loop again.

1. Seated Alternate Dumbbell Curl

When discussing the best bicep exercises, we neglect to start with the tried and true dumbbell curl. Of course, it's the foundation of every exercise on this list, but research published in the Journal of Exercise Science and Medicine shows that its popularity continues and that it activates the biceps more than other curling variations (not listed here).
To get the most out of traditional bicep curls, alternate them Most exercisers can lift slightly more total weight when flexing one arm at a time than flexing both arms at the same time. The harder you curl your biceps, the stronger they will be.

How to do seated dumbbell curls:

Sit on a 90-degree bench with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward, arms straight but not locked, and shoulders pulled back. From here, slowly lift the weight up in front of your shoulders, keeping your back close to the bench and your elbows and shoulders still. Pause, squeezing your biceps at the top, then slowly return the movement to the starting point. Repeat the same steps on the other side.

2. Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curls

When you think of your biceps, you probably think of your biceps, which sit on top of your brachialis and are responsible for most of the biceps we all want, Matthew J. Capolongo, C.S.C.S, P.E.S. Yes, an athletic performance coach at the Professional Athletic Performance Center, explains, research shows that this move is one of the best bicep exercises to work your biceps.

How to do alternating incline dumbbell curls:

Lie on an incline bench with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward, arms straight toward the floor but not locked, shoulders pulled back. From here, slowly lift the weight up in front of your shoulders, keeping your back close to the bench and your elbows and shoulders still. Pause, squeezing your biceps at the top, then slowly return the movement to the starting point. Repeat the same steps on the other side.

3. Seated alternate hammer curl

Capolongo explains that by flexing your dumbbells with a neutral instead of an underhand grip, you'll automatically change the main muscle of the exercise from the biceps to the brachialis. This is because your biceps help you rotate your arms so that your palms are facing your face. Although the brachialis is a deep, barely visible muscle, it helps give your biceps overall size and strength, he says.

How to do the Seated Alternating Hammer Curl:

For this bicep exercise, sit on a 90-degree bench with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing the body, arms straight toward the floor, but not locked, and shoulders pulled back. From here, slowly lift the weight up in front of your shoulders, keeping your back close to the bench and your elbows and shoulders still. Pause, squeezing your biceps at the top, then slowly return the movement to the starting point. Repeat the same steps on the other side.

4. Standing Reverse Barbell Curl

According to a 2015 study in Frontiers in Physiology, this change significantly increased the activity of the brachioradialis, the third and final muscle that makes up the biceps. This is because when you curl the weight with a forehand grip (which is easiest to hold with a bar), you put your biceps at a huge mechanical disadvantage. CSCS' Minnesota-based exercise physiologist Mike T. Nelson, Ph.D. According to this, this means that the normally underused brachioradialis muscle needs to be strengthened.

It's worth noting that with this modification, you won't lose as much weight as with the other exercises on this list. Don't be too proud to play lightly.

How to do the Standing Reverse Barbell Curl:

Stretch your legs at the hips

What are 4 exercises that target biceps?

Picture: Concentration Curl Bicep workout

4 moves that will give you huge biceps

  1. One arm bent bench press curl. 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions; Rest 15-20 seconds between sets. 
  2. Permanent resistance band curls. 3-4 sets of 25-30 repetitions; Rest 15-20 seconds between sets. 
  3. Incline dumbbell curl. 4 sets of 10 repetitions; Rest 15-20 seconds between sets. 
  4. Standing hammer curl.

What exercise builds biceps fast?

Picture: Bicep Curl Bicep Workout

Best exercises to build your biceps fast

  • Barbell Curls: Barbells stress your muscles more than dumbbells.
  • Begin curls: Help target the brachialis at the base of the biceps.
  • Condensation Curl: Provides support for upper arms to prevent swaying and use of other muscles.

How can I bulk up my biceps?

Picture: Highest Pic in Bicep Top Bicep 

1. Standing barbell curls

Stand with your knees slightly bent and grab the bar with your shoulder-width backhand. Fully flex your arms while supporting your abs and lower back. Avoid "kicking" your elbows under the bar to rest at the top. This is a bicep workout for a reason, it's better to choose heavier weights for lower reps.

2. EZ Stick Curl

Using an undergrip, grab the EZ bar. From full extension, squeeze the biceps to straighten the weight, focusing on the upward contraction. Again, avoid resting on it. By changing the grip you can exercise your arms from different angles and make your arms look fuller.

3. EZ Stick Curl

Using an undergrip, grab the EZ bar. From full extension, squeeze the biceps to straighten the weight, focusing on the upward contraction. Again, avoid resting on it. By changing the grip you can exercise your arms from different angles and make your arms look fuller.

4. Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing your hips. Curl the weight until the thumb is near the shoulder, then lower.

5. Jotman Dumbbell Curl

The difference from a regular curl is that you allow the weight to bend your wrists to a 45-degree angle until you reach the top position. Now, straighten your wrists before twisting your arms so the backs of your hands are facing you and lower the dumbbells. Twist and repeat.

bicep exercises at home

Picture: Bicep workout

Having strong biceps makes everyday life easier by allowing you to lift and move objects with ease. That said, you may be wondering how to get strong biceps without spending time in the gym.

Here are 16 bicep exercises you can try at home.

Bodyweight biceps workout at home
If you don't have access to gym equipment or prefer to use your body weight as resistance, you can still get a good workout.

1. Pull up

Although the pull-up primarily targets your upper back and shoulders, it also relies on your biceps for core work. You will need a pull-up or another horizontal bar that can support your body weight.

Stand behind a horizontal bar and grasp your backhand (facing you) with your hands shoulder-width apart. Cross your legs and let yourself hang from the bar.

As you lift yourself up, squeeze your shoulder blades and bend your elbows until your chin is just above the bar.

Pause for a moment, then lower yourself. This is 1 rep. Keep repeating as many times as possible.

This advanced step can be difficult at first, so please be patient. You can correct this by attaching a large resistance band around the bar, stepping on it and performing assisted pull-ups. Even if you can only do 1 pull-up, make it a goal to progress from there.

2. Wide bicep curls

You can do this exercise without any extra weight or you can use items such as water bottles, soup cans or books at home.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms out to shoulder-height, with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle, palms facing inward.

Slowly straighten your arms, then slowly return to the starting position.

Complete 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

You can still build strength and endurance without using weights. Instead, do more repetitions until you tire.

2. Wide bicep curls

You can do this exercise without any extra weight or you can use items such as water bottles, soup cans or books at home.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms out to shoulder-height, with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle, palms facing inward.

Slowly straighten your arms, then slowly return to the starting position.

Complete 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

You can still build strength and endurance without using weights. Instead, do more repetitions until you tire.

4. Alternate bicep curls

Alternate bicep curls allow you to focus on each individual arm to maximize the mind-body connection.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in your right hand.
Keeping your left arm at your side or your hand on your hip, slowly roll the dumbbell over your right shoulder. Then, slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. This is 1 rep.

Do 8-12 reps, then switch sides. Set 2-3.

5. Hammer curl

Hammer curls change the grip position of the dumbbells to simultaneously target your biceps and brachialis, key nearby muscles for strong arms.

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell by your side in each hand. Palms should be facing inwards.

Bend your right elbow and lift the dumbbell toward your shoulder. Dumbbells should be in a vertical position. Avoid swinging your arms.

After lifting the dumbbell, squeeze the biceps and slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position.

Do the same thing with your left hand.

Alternate right and left arms, repeat 8-12 times on each side. Set 2-3.

best bicep exercises with dumbbells

Bicep curls are a temporary exercise. Most lifters only know a few exercises at the beginning of their journey. One of the most popular is the bicep curl. Walk into any gym and you're bound to find at least one lifter doing bicep exercises in front of a mirror, perhaps with dumbbells, to their heart's content.

And it will probably make a lot of noise.

Barbell curls and their variations are a great way to build a gun set because they allow you to use maximum weight. But don't forget the dumbbells. Dumbbells allow more freedom of movement and can target the biceps from different angles and with different grips.

Here, we'll cover the anatomy of the biceps, their function, benefits, and 12 dumbbell bicep exercise variations for building steel guns.

Without further ado, let's build some biceps.

Biceps Anatomy

Biceps brachii (or biceps/bis for short bis) is the Latin term for the bicephalic muscles (short and long) of the upper arm. The short head of the biceps originates from the scapula (near the ball and socket joint) and inserts on the anterior part of the radius. The long head of the biceps arises from the supraglanoid tubercle of the scapula (a small protrusion of the scapula near the shoulder joint) and inserts on the radius.
The two bicep heads come together at the radius of the arm to form the biceps peak that we love so much.

Bicep function

Since the bicep crosses the shoulder and elbow joints, it works both joints. The long head of the biceps helps pull the arm away from the torso (shoulder abduction) and internally rotate the arm. The biceps help pull the arms back toward the torso (shoulder adduction).

When both biceps heads contract at the same time, it flexes the elbow, which is the primary function of the biceps (along with the brachialis). The biceps rotate the forearm outward (supination) when the elbow is flexed, which is best done. Because the biceps also cross the shoulder joint, it assists the anterior deltoid in shoulder flexion.
The biceps and triceps work together to support the humeral head at the shoulder joint, also known as shoulder stability.

Benefits of bicep training

Vanity reasons aside, there are four important reasons to include bicep curls as a supplemental exercise in your daily workout.

Good shoulder stability

The biceps is a biceps muscle that attaches to the scapula and shoulder joint and helps the rotator cuff maintain shoulder stability, particularly through the anterior deltoid. This is because the rotator cuff holds the humerus in the shoulder joint and the biceps hold the shoulder joint in the humerus, and this contraction from both sides contributes to shoulder stability.

Great for shoulder rehabilitation

Although the main function of the biceps is to bend the elbow, they also play a small role in flexing the shoulder. When your shoulders are flexed, the biceps are in contact with your front delts. Also, when you curl, your upper back muscles (rhomboids and traps) contract isometrically to maintain good posture and prevent your shoulders from rolling forward.
This is why bicep curls are programmed into the later stages of a rehabilitation program as a way to strengthen the rotator cuff and upper back 1-2.

Helps to lift more weight

Elbow bending exercises such as pull-ups, pull-ups and dumbbell rows benefit from strong biceps and grip. Because you are only strong in your weakest link. It would be a shame to give up on your biceps before your shoulders and back are tired. While you're doing this, do some dumbbell forearm exercises, so that a weak grip doesn't limit your lift.

Helps prevent bicep tendon tears

Strong biceps help stabilize the elbows when you deadlift with a mixed grip, as you are more likely to tear your bicep tendon with this grip. Bicep tendon rupture is a common injury in powerlifting and Olympic lifters. Strong biceps don't stop it completely, but they play a small role in stopping it.

best bicep exercises reddit

  • Light Incline Dumbbell Curls (20 and 25 seconds)
  • Straight barbell curls with striped form.
  • Curl Ez times for 21 seconds.
  • No matter where you are, the density curls are light or medium.
  • 3 best bicep exercises

7 best bicep exercises

Get the most out of your arm day workout with these seven strength-building bicep exercises. You can do this bicep workout at home or at the gym as long as you have a set of dumbbells. These exercises target the biceps, but your shoulders, arms, triceps, and pecs can also benefit.

If you find it difficult to maintain proper form during this bicep workout, choose lighter weights or change your movements.

Bicep workout

For this dumbbell biceps workout, you'll do 12 repetitions for each exercise. Once you have completed all the exercises, it counts as one cycle. Continue until three cycles are complete.
This bicep exercise requires a weight bench or chair, an exercise mat and dumbbells. For beginners, Pro Tips recommends a 5- or 8-pound dumbbell. For intermediate lifters, try 10- or 12-pound dumbbells.

1. Bicep curl

When people think of curly hair, this bicep workout is usually the first thing that comes to mind. To do dumbbell bicep curls:

Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
Hold a dumbbell in each hand, down.
Start with your arms fully extended by your sides. Keeping your elbows in line with your torso, curl the weight over your shoulders.
Squeeze your biceps at the top of the curl. Using controlled movements, extend your arms to a fully extended position.

2. Hammer curl

Pick up the hammer and lie down with this bicep exercise. Begin dumbbell hammer curls:
Keep the weight at your side with your palms facing up and your thumbs up.
Begin by pulling your elbows to your sides, then curl the weights over your shoulders.
Do this by extending your arms slowly and in a controlled manner.

3. Reverse curl

Twist your curls with this exercise. For reverse curls, you would do this:

  1. Hold the weight with your upper hand, palms down.
  2. Keeping your elbows bent at your sides, curl the weight over your shoulders.
  3. Slowly lower your arms, palms down.

4. Jotman Curse

The Zotman curl is named after late 19th century powerlifter George Zotman. Do this bicep exercise:
Begin by extending your arms down with the opposite grip handle.
Curl your arms in the same manner as bicep curls.
When the dumbbells are at shoulder level, rotate your arms so that your palms are facing down.
Slowly lower the arms in a controlled motion similar to a reverse curl.
Once your arms are fully extended, return your hands to a backhand grip.

5. W. Carl

The W curl is aptly named because of the shape of your arms when you do this bicep exercise. Start the W curl:

  • Extend your arms at your sides with an underhand grip.
  • The back of your hand should have your palms facing outwards.

Bring your arms up at a 45-degree angle. Once your arms form a W shape, slowly bring them back to the starting point.

6. Crossbody curl

You'll have extra arms with this bicep exercise. Be sure to represent both sides equally. start:
Extend your arms at your sides, holding the weight on your forehand.

Curl the thumb side of one hand over the opposite shoulder.

The weight will move onto your body and then you will gradually lose the weight.
Repeat this movement with the other hand.

7. Isolated one-arm curl

This bicep workout ends with an isolated one-arm curl. For this exercise:
Begin by extending your arms and forming a T-shape with your body.
  • Hold the weight with your backhand, palm facing up.
  • Bend one arm at about a 90-degree angle.
  • Return your arms to be parallel to the ground.
  • Keep your other hand stretched over the curls. When you finish repeating, repeat the steps with the other hand.

If you can't maintain proper form during this bicep workout routine, be sure to opt for lighter weights. Want to get the most out of your arm workout at home or at the gym? Target other muscles in your arms with this professional triceps workout.

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