Gym Exercise Name List with Pictures 🔥🔥🔥 Gym with Fun Injury Free Workout Plan

Gym exercise name list with pictures 

Picture: Shoulder Press at Gym

Triceps Exercise

Diamond pushup

Which is diamond pushups?

Make sure your hands are positioned like a diamond Kohinoor (a famous diamond). You have removed it from the queen’s crown and brought it back. So first exercise you are doing is diamond push ups

You are going to do 4 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions If you can push your way up. Make sure not to let your knees touch the ground. Go up; 10, 12 up to 14, 15 repetitions If you like. This is your first exercise, so when you are doing first exercise for any muscle, Go in for extreme heavy weight. Just to get your self going, Make sure that all your mobilizing joints are activated and all the stabilizing muscles have enough blood and oxygen So the first exercise you did today is diamond pushups.

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Triceps push downs

Picture: Triceps Push down

Moving on to second exercise of the day: triceps push downs. We have taken a regular 24inch bar which you can get it easily in the gym we are not using a rope for this exercise. So, come up pause 90 degrees go all the way down squeeze your triceps .So what he is doing is comes up, pauses at 90 degrees, squeeze it! Starting with diamond push up, moving onto triceps push down

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Reverse grip push down

Let's move on to the 3rd exercise which you will do, which is reverse grip push down. Same concept. When you are doing the triceps push downs, you are targeting the outer part. However, When you are doing reverse trip push down you are targeting more of the inner part that you sometimes see in the professional body builders when they flex.

Skull Crushers

Picture: Skull Crushers

So moving on to the fourth exercise which is Skull Crushers. One of the best exercises. My favorite exercise is skull crushers. Close grip! The gap between each hands should be about these thumbs. Keeping your elbows straight bringing them all the way down. Nice, pause. Keeping the tension on the triceps muscle really stretching's the muscle really putting emphasis and pressure on tearing and breaking your muscles fibers Again, knock it off. Nice and slow. Pause, go all the way back up. 4 sets for this one as well. 

So all the exercises we are doing contain 4 sets each because any exercise you are doing the first exercise, the first set you do, you don’t push that much. You will notice that pro body builders, they are not going for volume workout they are doing mostly 3 sets of workouts because they have already done 4 sets to warm up. So start with 4 sets. 

Triceps kick backs

Moving on to our last exercise for your triceps routine today is triceps kick backs. Keeping your back completely straight. Gap between your feet. Feet are not joined together so as you don’t lose balance. See, nice and slow. Your arm always remain straight. All he is doing is, this area under your elbow, you are only moving it back and forth. So keeping the tension on triceps' muscle all the time so you really have to feel burn; that you know what, you really have to feel the workout, like truly feeling the burn Do 4 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.

Dips /Back Dips /Bench Support Dips workout

Triceps dips is also a very good workout to improve your triceps' muscles and most people do is back dips. We do this exercise for triceps muscle. I have seen most people that whenever they do back dips, So they bring their back too far ahead from the bench Which causes unnecessary strain in your shoulder. So whenever you do back dips then your back which is going down and coming up should stay close to the bench, the means should remain close. Then second thing is people don't do again full range of motion. So they just come down a little bit and up a little. This is also the wrong way.  so you have to go all the way down And with this you have to do full range of motion by pushing your triceps muscles till the time your elbows don't straighten your triceps don't squeeze.

Top Back Gym Workout 

Lat Pulldown

Picture: Lat Pull Down (Back Exercise)

First exercise I have chosen is lat pull down. My reason for doing this is that this is a common exercise everyone does And many people perform wrongly. So the most common common mistake is that Whenever people pull the bar, they bend too much which should not be done
So basically you have to sit straight, chest lift, core tight, lower back inside. And from this you have to pull the bar. Can bend slightly but you don't have to bend too much so try to sit up straight. Second is that people put a lot of weight in the process of doing ego lifting and cannot perform full motion many people When pull the bar, they bring the bar to Chin only due to which they are unable to connect to the muscle.

So you have to pull the bar full range of motion as close to the chest as you can Squeeze Back, breathe out and leave slowly, the third mistake is that people leave the bar With a jerk, don't do it then you have to leave the bar slowly And fourth is people leave the bar and lift the shoulders too much which should not be done, So your shoulders will be retracted, Pull the bar full range of motion, Do not bend too much, Squeeze the Muscle, make connect, Breathe out and leave slowly.

Seated Row

Picture: Seated Row

Second exercise, What most people do wrong in the gym is mid rowing. Like the first mistake is that people keep the knees straight while doing the exercise, in this way, don't do it.

You have to bend both knees whenever you sit. After that second mistake while performing the exercise whenever they pulls the handle, They bends towards back a lot And while realizing they bend in the front side more, don't do this. So you have to perform the exercise by sitting straight.

After that I have seen many people that they in their back make arch like this, that is very bad posture, Definitely don't do this so what do you have to do you have to lift the chest. Retract shoulder and then perform exercise. 
Last mistake which is again ego problem people take too much weight. Because of which they is unable to perform the full range of motion exercise while pulling the handle. Basically gets their repetitions there only due to excess weight so don't do it. Do the exercise full range of motion means bring as close to the ABS as possible Squeeze, hold the back for 1 second then release slowly.

Deadlift Exercise

Picture: Deadlift Exercise

Let’s get to the deadlift first. What we want to do is, as we work our way up – because we’re working with heavier weights here today. 8, 6, 4, and 4 for our four deadlift sets. What we want to do is make sure that we’re adequately warming up.

Dumbbell Single-arm Row

Picture: Single arm row

Straight arm pushdown

So, we’re going to have to perform a few submaximal, light warmup sets along the way. Do this one thing for me as you do. Incorporate a straight arm pushdown when you do. 


I love the straight arm pushdown. I think it’s one of the most underutilized back exercises. It’s one of the ones most helpful to ingraining one of the most critical elements of the deadlift
and that’s the ability to perform straight arm scapular strength work, to provide.

Now when you’re ready to go and your first set is 8 reps on the deadlift, you want to make sure you pair it up, as I said in the beginning, with a weighted chin-up. As we do that, we do 2-minute reps after the first set.

Chin-up and weighted chin-up

Picture: Chin-up back exercise

We go over and perform the weighted chin-up here. I’m trying to go on the heavier side. So, for me, I’m looking for about 4 reps.

Then we go back to the deadlift once again, increasing the weight a little bit to 6 reps. Here, we go back to the weighted chin.

What I’ve done is tried to cut the weight in half so now I can get about 8 to 10 reps. For me, again, I’ll strip one plate and keep going.

Now we come back, we go back to the deadlift again for our two heaviest sets. A 4 rep and a 4 rep. The rest time, however, is going to continue to decrease. Here, I’m going straight bodyweight up to the bar with the wide grip pull ups.

Why are we doing this?

Because the wide grip will allow us to hit the terres major a little more than it will the lats.

Top Abs Gym Workout 

  • Leg raise:

The first exercise is leg raise clap.

How to do Leg Raise:

Lying on the ground and just up your both leg up to 45 degree and down slowly and up again and continue as more as possible but you can maintain the routine 4 sets where 1 set equals to 10 to 12 repetitions.

  • Plank and Spiderman Plank:

We have a 10 second break and the next exercise is Spider-Man plank.

Plank Jack's straight away

And now we're moving into plank Jack's straightaway. Make sure you keep your core engaged and let's smash this you can do this.

  • Weighted Crunches
Picture: Sit-up weighted crunch

  • Russian Twist  
Next up we have a Russian twist. I Did it slowly and controlled and my abs were burning. So, badly at this point. We're going to jump in & out straight away.

Picture: Russian Twist

  • Side Crunch Ab Exercise
Picture: Side Crunch Ab exercise

Now we are going to see some Legs Workout.

Top Legs Gym Workout 

  • Squat

We start with light weight and then we go for heavy squat. But before squat you should do some lunges workout and leg stretching. How to do leg  exercise, I am showing you in the video below.

Step -1: Lunges

Picture: Lunges Exercise Very good exercise for legs

Step -2: Basic Squat

Video: Basic Squat

After free squat without weight you should take weights. However, I have attached a video below where you can see how to stretching before heavy squat. I am sure if you follow the videos then you can do injury free lifting heavy weight. But remember you may need to wear gym belt and wrist support and need pair of grips to capture something.
  Video: Leg Stretching's World best Stretching  for  Squat Pre Workout specially Heavy Squat Exercise

Heavy Squat Exercise

Picture: Squat Exercise

Without heavy squat your muscles will not developed. So you can take step by step heavy weight for example  first you take 5 kgs and then you take 7 kgs and so on. 

Video: Heavy Squat to know more visit and share

During gym exercise you follow this routine exercise to get benefit. May be you forget your exercise. So, keep watching videos attached up and down and you will success and in that case you do not need any gym instructor. You just follow my step by step videos and pictures as well.

Video: Full Leg Workout as per the workout routine 

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